A participatory collaborative musicking event for the 21st century.

Conference Call was originally developed as part of a workshop called eMusicking: Composing, Performing and Listening in a Digital World. In this hour-long workshop, presented as part of Teaching As Art Day 2019, I discussed works of experimental music by John Cage, Pauline Oliveros, and James Tenney, before presenting the class with a prompt:

Call into a conference line. Put your phones on speaker. Decide what to do next.

The score for “Conference Call” as composted by the students of “eMusicking: Composing, Performing and Listening in a Digital World”

The score for “Conference Call” as composted by the students of “eMusicking: Composing, Performing and Listening in a Digital World”

The piece has been written and performed twice, once as a practice run among friends and once at the workshop, obviously with completely different outcomes.