eMusicking: Composing, Performing and Listening in a Digital Context

homework: link link video

John Cage

Water Walk,I’ve Got A Secret (1960)


#1 Song in the country then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSsiS-v6_6M

  • What do you think? Is it music? Is it something else?

  • Does the piano make it easier to recognize as “music”? Does the tape recorder?

  • What does the audience bring to this?

  • What does the added layer of watching it on Youtube bring? What does it take away?

Christopher Small - Musicking

“Music is not a thing but an activity, something that people do. The apparent thing ‘music’ is a figment, an abstraction of the action, whose reality vanishes as soon as we examine it at all closely.” -Christopher Small, Musicking: The Meanings of Performing and Listening (1998)

“To music is to take part, in any capacity, in a musical performance, whether by performing, by listening, by rehearsing or practicing, by providing material for performance (what is called composing), or by dancing. We might at times even extend its meaning to what the person is doing who takes the tickets at the door or the hefty men who shift the piano and the drums or the roadies who set up the instruments and carry out the sound checks or the cleaners who clean up after everyone else has gone. They, too, are all contributing to the nature of the event that is a musical performance.”

Pauline Oliveros

James Tenney

Conference Call